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Apprenticeship expectations

Workplace expectations
- Attend work everyday.
- Be on time for work.
- Communicate with your line manager if you are unwell, late or unable to attend work before your usual starting time.
- Treat all colleagues with respect and consideration.
- Act in a safe and professional manner.
- Follow all workplace policies, practices, processes and procedures.
- Always work to the best of your ability.
- Support your team and colleagues positively.
- Be honest, trustworthy and reliable.
Learning expectations
- Keep appointments booked with your trainer.
- Attend all virtual or face to face training workshops.
- Provide a minimum of 24 hours notice for any cancelled appointments.
- Complete any work actioned by your trainer/assessor and employer against agreed timescales.
- Ensure visits are arranged with your workplace.
- Ensure suitable space is set aside for visits if conducted on the premises.
- Take pride in submitting high quality, meaningful evidence.
- Discuss with your trainer, any concerns you have with your progress,
- Use your OneFile e-portfolio to its full potential.
- Complete and upload expected work to meet your targets and to ensure you are always on or even ahead of expected progress.
- Show care and concern for property and equipment.
- Follow your organisational guidelines and policies in relation to work tasks.
- Show respect to your colleagues, Way2Work trainers and peers at all times.
- Switch mobile phones off during training/work/exams.