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Equality, diversity and inclusion documents

Achieving for Children’s equalities practice is regulated by the Equality Act 2010. The information below demonstrates how we meet the requirements of the Public Sector Equality Duty.

Equality and Diversity Policy

Read the Equality and Diversity Policy here 

Annual Equalities Report

The Annual Equalities Report sets out our approach to equality and diversity and explains what we have achieved during the year in relation to the protected characteristic groups. 

Equality Impact Assessments

An Equality Impact Assessment is a systematic and evidence-based tool which enables organisations to consider the likely impact of work on different groups of people. It ensures organisations do not discriminate against anyone and that, where possible, they promote equality of opportunity.

Achieving for Children undertakes Equality Impact Assessments in two stages to better understand the impact of our work on children, young people and families.

We first ask staff to complete an Equality Impact Assessment screening tool. The screening tool asks a series of questions to determine if the service, policy or function we are implementing has relevance to equality, whether that be a positive, negative or neutral impact on any protected characteristic.

If the screening determines a negative impact on any protected characteristic a full Equality Impact Assessment is completed and published below.


SEND Futures Richmond (PDF)


SEND Futures Kingston (PDF)

SEND Futures Richmond (PDF)


RBWM SEND Strategy (PDF)

Workforce Race Equality Standard (PDF)


Post-16 SEND Campus

Youth Services, Kingston

Supported Accommodation (PDF)

Transition to adulthood (PDF)

Richmond Youth Services (PDF)


Windsor and Maidenhead Family Hub Service (PDF)

Early Help (Kingston and Richmond) (PDF)

Digital programme (PDF)


SEND Futures Richmond (PDF)

Therapies and school block transfer (PDF)