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Early Help Assessment
The Early Help Assessment is an early assessment and planning tool to facilitate coordinated multi-agency support.
It enables professionals to efficiently identify the emerging needs of children and young people at risk of poor outcomes; it reduces duplication of assessment and improves involvement between agencies.
Downloads for practitioners
Early Help Assessment and Planning Tool form (Word)
Early Help Assessment Plan Progress Review form (Word)
Early Help Assessment Closure Summary form (Word)
Once completed, please safely submit it to the Integrated Working team via the secure submission form.
Please be mindful of sharing information securely with others. AfC staff: there is guidance available on Connect – search for ‘Data protection’.
Example forms
Early Help Assessment and Planning Tool form example (PDF)
Early Help Assessment Plan Progress Review form example (PDF)
Early Help Assessment Closure Summary form example (PDF)
You can find out about training for the Early Help Assessment on the AfC Learning Portal.