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Concerns and complaints

Achieving for Children (AfC) is committed to providing the best possible service and we want to work with you to resolve any issues.

If you are unhappy with a service provided by AfC you should tell a member of staff or the manager responsible for the service as soon as you can. They will see if they can sort it out. 

If you are still unhappy after that, then you can make a formal complaint. You do this by contacting the Complaints Team for the council in whose area you live:

Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) complaints

If you wish to appeal decisions made in your child's EHCP, there is a special process for this. You can read about it here:

Please do not complain to your council about EHCP decisions until you have followed this process. The council will not be able to help you at that stage and it will delay solving any problems.

How to make a complaint about a school

If you have a concern about a school, you should contact the school direct. You can read more here:

Policy on complaints about how we handle information

We have a policy which explains how you can make complaints about:

  • requests for information under the Freedom of Information or Environmental Regulations
  • requests for personal information under the UK General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR)
  • the way in which personal information has been handled in relation to the UK GDPR

Read our information complaints policy.