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Knitting for good

group of nurses with AfC staff member

To celebrate Achieving for Children's (AfC) 10-year anniversary, and its celebratory year of volunteering to mark the milestone, AfC colleagues came together in a truly special way - knitting blankets, hats, and cardigans for premature babies at Kingston Hospital’s neonatal unit. 

Launched in April of this year, one of our employees led a project that saw 25 colleagues pick up knitting needles, from complete beginners to seasoned crafters, creating over 80 handmade items throughout the summer.

The initiative generated a sense of community, with those involved coming together for lunchtime knitting sessions, sharing tips, and bonding through a group chat. Beyond creating beautiful gifts, the knitting sessions revealed unexpected benefits: one colleague with arthritis found knitting helped ease her pain, while another mentioned it kept her hands busy in the evenings (preventing snacking!).

The project also brought about personal stories, including one from a colleague who gave birth at Kingston’s neonatal unit 13 years ago. This past weekend, she returned to Kingston Hospital with her son to deliver the knitted items.

"It was so special to show my son where he spent his first month and to thank the nurses who cared for him,” she said. “They were really appreciative and impressed with the detail on the blankets and cardigans”. Three of the nurses involved in my son's care were still working in the unit, making the moment even more meaningful. 

As an organisation, we are incredibly proud of everyone who participated in this initiative - whether learning to knit for the first time or honing your (or your mum’s!) existing skills. The knitted items will bring warmth and comfort to many premature babies, making this project a touching way to mark our 10th anniversary.

You can view some photos of the knitted pieces below. 

knitted pieces
knitted pieces

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